dilluns, 9 de maig del 2011

ASIA EXIBITION ( To add a comment click here )

Agrair a tota la gent que m´ha donat suport...familiars, amics i coneguts! Agraeixo especialment a :

TV vall de Camprodon ( amb un reportatge espectacular ), a L´escola pública Dr. Robert de Camprodon, pel seu interès i sobretot per apropar l´art i cultura als mes petits, a l´ajuntament de Camprodon per tenir un espai al servei del poble tant magnífic....en definitiva....GRACIES A TOTS!!!

I want to thank all people that has supported me...family, friends and acquaintances. I want to thank specially: TV Vall de camprodon ( who did a great program ) and to the Dr. Robert de Camprodon´s public school, for their great interest and most of all for bringing art and culture closer children; also to the city hall of Camprodon for making available great public spaces to the service of such magnificent town..THANKS TO YOU ALL!!!